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Darlene's address book

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Jan Eisen from 903 Ashbury Street and Eunice Nolan from Albany..both have intersting addresses imo…do we know more about them?

Another Albany entry: Joe Mahar

Interesting also her Kaiser hospital entry in it

She also had ties to Redding:

Some AFB guy:



Posted : February 2, 2014 2:27 am
Posts: 7527
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Jan Eisen from 903 Ashbury Street and Eunice Nolan from Albany..both have intersting addresses imo…do we know more about them?

Another Albany entry: Joe Mahar

Interesting also her Kaiser hospital entry in it

She also had ties to Redding:

Some AFB guy:


Joseph Mahar was the only one I ever found anything on. In the 1950’s, while he was in the Navy, he was stationed in the SF Bay area, and one night, robbed a bar at gun point. He was arrested, and presumably, did time and was kicked out of the service. During this time,Darlene likely would have been too young to know him, or associate with him I think. I am not sure how or when she met him, or why he was important enough to be in her book. I think if I recall correctly, he died in 1999,or 92? He was a licensed amateur radio operator, and I think his Family may have owned, or at least worked at, an Albany Newspaper.

From the 4/6/56 San Mateo Times-

This next article mentions a guy same last name with connections to Albany that was involved in newspaper business, may be a relative-

In the 1959 Albany city Directory, there is a JOSEPH J. MAHAR listed at r33 Mass Ave, and is listed as an Industrial Arts Teacher at Albany High School, could be this guy’s Dad? I should point out, there are alot of MAHARS in Albany NY, but the Joseph J. Mahars are likely father & son.
There is a Joseph Mahar in the same directory, that worked for a used car place, and then another Joseph J. Mahar that was an electrician apprentice

On this link- http://hamcall.net/call/WA2VGA%3A1969 there is mention of WA2VGA his radio Ham Call ID, the 1969 is that year, so at the time of the z murders, this guys was into ham radio, I just dont know if he was in CA to make him a viable z suspect. That call signal is even on his grave:

EDIT: Well,without a doubt, this guy is 100% the guy in Darlene’s book, and given all of our recent ham radio discussions possibly relating to Zodiac, if this guy could be placed in CA during Z murders, would be of major interest-

And check this out- http://hamcall.net/cryp.html
On the same site as his call sign info-
"The use of secret communications by means of coded messages has been a practice throughout ancient and modern history. In recent wars, messages were sent in alphabet cipher to ensure that the messages would not be read if they fell into enemy hands. This type of cipher is still used today. Codes and ciphers were used by generals, kings and even presidents to plan battles and to transmit important information. George Washington established a spy system to report on the British forces and their movements. To send such important information, each spy had a code book that contained code numbers, each number representing a specific word. A written coded message consisting of a series of numbers would be used to transmit the secret intelligence gathered.
For many, the ideas of cryptography and cryptoanalysis have been fascinating areas for study and recreation. The whole point of cryptography is to solve problems. The type of problems that cryptography solves revolve around secrecy, security and privacy. The Advanced Military Crytography Book presents various basic cryptographic principles and the fundamentals of secret communication by describing and illustrating the traditional cryptographic techniques designed before the computer age. Computer programmers will enjoy these algorithms and methods"

I never realized I guess, the relation of Cryptography to the actual Ham radio stuff

EDIT: Oh my God, tell me this is not the same Joseph Mahar, I found this in the 1968 SF Directory at http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sanfrancisco … 68_673.pdf

No where close to Washington & Cherry,but if he is the same Joseph Mahar, and is in SF in 1968, thats gotta be something important

EDIT: Just verified here- http://www.sfgenealogy.com/sanfrancisco … 8_1148.pdf that the Joseph Mahar listed in SF 1968 directory is a JOSEPH A. MAHAR, not same guy in Darlene’s book…DAMN

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 2, 2014 9:36 am
Posts: 2309
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The name is Jay Eisen in the address book, not Jan.


Posted : February 2, 2014 9:49 am
Posts: 7527
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Darlene had a OLIVIA HALIOTIES in her address book(she had last name spelled wrong). For what it’s worth, there was a Michael Halioties in the 69 Vallejo directory,he was a CABBIE. Even more interesting, the Olivia in her address book worked as a CITY POLICE DISPATCHER.

EDIT:In the directory,
Michael Haliotes is 1305 1/2 Colusa St & Olivia Halioties is at 638 Main St. Notice their last names ARE spelled differently, so maybe they are not related

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : August 7, 2014 10:56 pm
Posts: 183
Estimable Member

Has anyone ever identified the guy named Jerry King, 1250 Eddy St., SF in Darlene’s a b? I know she knew a lot of cops. Was Jerry a cop? I found a publication that was dated 1993, and it showed a list of SF cops that were being layed off. There was a Jerry King listed. What caught my eye is that in the same publication, it listed a murder at 1250 Eddy St.
Here’s a link to the publication, search for Jerry and Eddy St.

http://www.sfpoa.org/journal_archives/Vol_25_No_6_June_1993.pdf&cd=5&ved=0CCgQFjAE&usg=AFQjCNFp_RH2kJwUXwq5c9pIaatfZaThO A”> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= … aatfZaThOA

Posted : August 11, 2014 3:59 am
Posts: 5315
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Has anyone ever identified the guy named Jerry King, 1250 Eddy St., SF in Darlene’s a b? I know she knew a lot of cops. Was Jerry a cop? I found a publication that was dated 1993, and it showed a list of SF cops that were being layed off. There was a Jerry King listed. What caught my eye is that in the same publication, it listed a murder at 1250 Eddy St.
Here’s a link to the publication, search for Jerry and Eddy St.

http://www.sfpoa.org/journal_archives/Vol_25_No_6_June_1993.pdf&cd=5&ved=0CCgQFjAE&usg=AFQjCNFp_RH2kJwUXwq5c9pIaatfZaThO A”> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= … aatfZaThOA

Hi Talon–

Back in ’07 I posted this at ZK.com’s mb. I don’t think it was ever determined who Jerry King was or if this was the correct one, but I thought it was interesting! Limbic Region is basically a Zodiac movie.

Tahoe27 wrote:
There is a "Jerry King" in her address book who lived on Eddy in SF. You think he could be the same "Jerry King" who wrote the Limbic Region?


http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/reply/1 … eply-12616

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : August 11, 2014 4:51 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Concerning the Joseph J Mahar form DFs phonebook:

I’m pretty sure this is the right guy, Joseph James Mahar (born ca 1936) arrested for a armed holdup in Redwood City,CA April 1956, AND he was from Albany !!!:


The Times from San Mateo, California · Page 1

Publication: The Times iLocation: San Mateo, CaliforniaIssue Date: Friday, April 6, 1956Page: Page 1

REDWOOD CITY, April 6. –Fast police work resulted in the capture of an armed robber lateTlast night within 16 minutes after he had escaped with $104 from Harry O’Neal’s Mountain House bar at the intersection of ‘ Skyline boulevard- and Half Moon Bay road.
Held in county jail »n a ‘ robbery charge is Joseph James Mahar, 20-year-old Treasure Island sailor from Albany, N. Y. Quick- Capture "* J Mahar was.arrested by Belmont Police Officer James-Winters 16 ·minutes after he had fled the Mountain House .and’ only three minutes, after the officer had heard a police radio broadcast of the description of the bandit and his auto. Victim of the holdup was . Wayne Schuster of Miramar, the bartender on duty last, night The robbery was witnessed by a single; patron, Fidelc Bassett’of. Half . Moon -Bay. Schuster and. Miss Bassett told . Deputy Sheriff Macdonald CraUc that ;Mahar came into the bar at about 9:30 p. m. and ordered a ‘ been .The’ sailor drank four beers : and a cup of coffee while telling his many troubles to the bartender.. during the course of the evening. , "This.Is It" ! At li:30 p. m., when all of the customers except .Miss Bassett had left the -bar, Schuster said he heard -Mabar say: :"Well, this;is it. Open that till and give me everything you got." . Schuster said he turned around and saw Mahar pointing a revolver-at him^ The bartender told Craik .he walked to the cash register and began scooping the. money out of the till. The sailor cocked the gun and told Schuster: "All of it and speed it up." "At this point, Miss Bassett said something," graik.reported, ‘and the suspect told her to shut up." . ‘ Notes Automboile After he had .obtained the money, Mahar ordered Schuster and..the.woman up.

Sure wonder how/why DF knew this criminal???
Morf you have subscription at Newspapers.com so could you please find the newsreport and post it?

In this link there is a photo of Joseph James Mahar from the same April 1956 insident:

http://newspaperarchive.com/us/californ … 956/04-06/

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : August 11, 2014 5:07 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Isn’t that the same newspaper article morf posted on the previous page TF?

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : August 11, 2014 6:33 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Isn’t that the same newspaper article morf posted on the previous page TF?

You are SO right, I missed that, sorry :oops:

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : August 11, 2014 7:21 am
Posts: 2598
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Topic starter

There is a ‘Jean Knight’ mentioned in Darlene’s address book. Anybody an idea who she was?

‘But maybe you play chess with me’ (7/18/1978 – ‘I am in control’)

If she got a brother or someone?



Posted : September 1, 2014 7:24 am
Posts: 266
Reputable Member

I have always wondered if a huge mistake in the Zodiac investigation has been assuming that Dee knew Z. At first I thought along these lines but I have really started doubting it over the years. Why make this assumption about Darlene over any of the other suspects?? Because of the phone calls? I have read in numerous places that her brother confessed that he made those calls. I believe it had to do with the theory that he was looking for pot that she was allegedly getting that night. Of course it’s possible but I’m leaning more towards her being as random as any if the confirmed victims. Not that it hurts to look through her address book or anyone she knew, but I worry that too much has been put into that theory.

Posted : September 1, 2014 11:04 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member


In Darlene Ferrin’s phonebook, page 3, a Susan Alexander has the adress 1819 Oak Street in San Francisco.
Darlene’s x-husband Jim Crabtree has claimed that he grew up with Susan Alexander, true or not? I don’t know.
Some researchers claim that Darlene Ferrin lived at this adress, true or not? I don’t know.

A couple of days ago I found another person, Kevin C Mahoney, living on that 1819 Oak St adress in 1968:

March 12, 1968
The Daily Herald from Provo, Utah · Page 8
Publication: The Daily Herald i Location: Provo, UtahIssue Date: Tuesday, March 12, 1968Page: Page 8

"Kevin C. Mahoney California Zephyr Movement 1819 Oak Street San Francisco, Calif. 94117"

"The California Zephyr movement in San Francisco is working to promote rediscovery of tie unique and vastly underrated scenic experience of travel by the California Zephyr between San Francisco and Chicago."

I have tried to find out more about this Kevin C. Mahoney but so far no luck.
Well one thing; I found the he wrote a letter to the editor about the California Zephyr Movement.

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : May 18, 2016 12:14 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Jim Phillips/Crabtree did go to high school with a Susan Alexander. Whether it is the same Susan Alexander that lived at the Oak Street address in SF, I do not know, but it seems like a pretty odd thing to lie about.

Susan in the same yearbook as Phillips/Crabtree.

Phillips/Crabtree in said yearbook.


Posted : May 18, 2016 12:51 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Seagull, I agree that the Sue that Jim went to school with was more than likely the same Sue.
Jim made it pretty clear that that address book was his and Darlene kept it.
After Darlene died, Dean added names to that book, so we shouldn’t think that every name in that book was written by Darlene. I checked out a lot of those names, some of them are still around. I have spoken to someone who was actually at Dee’s house with his girl friend the night she was killed. He was the person who told me about Darlene selling drugs, he had no idea who killed her.

There are many missing pages that I asked Graysmith for , he said that those pages were written in pencil and very hard to read. I would still like to see if I can figure out any names from those pages. The page that had the name Claudia on it , I found belonged to a man named "Claude" Bowman who lived in Richmond. I did not find a Claudia living at that address.

As for the list of cops who were laid off ,there was also a Bill Clinton listed.

Posted : May 22, 2016 6:16 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

It is indeed the same Susan Alexander. Jim said that their fathers were both CHP officers together. She was a drama student at SFSU class of 67. Being that there are more addresses for he in the book than anyone else, many at interesting locations – has anyone ever contacted her and asked her if she knew Dee? Jim said that she was his friend and not Dee’s, but that it was not him that wrote her name in the address book. Yet clearly who ever wrote the address was keeping tracking her.

The only other name Jim said he knew in the book (besides his parents) was Jay Eisen who was a friend of his and again Dee did not even know him. Jim said that he was a law student that he hung out with. Jim claimed he never wrote the name in the book and creeped him out that it was in there. I found this particular interesting because Graysmith named Jay as one of the people at Dee’s "painting party", which was long after Jim and Dee divorced and allegedly had no contact with each other. Jay is now a very successful lawyer. Has anyone ever contacted him and asked him if he knew Dee?

Is it possible that Jay is the lawyer referred to in this article?

"Next, Holt compared the Zodiac DNA with samples provided by Primetime from three men who have been identified by amateur investigators as possible Zodiac candidates. She immediately eliminated two of the men as possible matches for the Zodiac DNA: Bay Area schoolteacher Arthur Leigh Allen, who died in 1992, and a prominent San Francisco lawyer who is still living."


Z is the master of distraction.

Posted : January 27, 2017 9:05 pm
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